and works in graz/
austria. studies of psychology and linguistics. since
1986 free lancing artist. installations, performances,
art in the public, electronic and social space. working
with video, conceptual photography and sound. bass-guitar
and sax
with ZLAN, sax with wavegroom,
jamika ajalon, nina wurz, annette giesriegl, thomas rottleuthner; electronics
with notorious noise brigade...
PROJECTS, exhibitions
and videoscreenings in graz, vienna, bonn,
manchester, hull, gdansk, belgrade, madrid,
salamanca, glasgow,
london, los angeles, st. petersburg,
jerusalem, maribor, ljubljana, tallinn, bucharest, bangkok, singapore
TO|YS ON TOUR - art-, research- and trading trip through morrocco, westsahara, mauritania, mali, burkina faso, benin, togo, ghana, nigeria.
1997 award for visual art of the city of graz. 1998 artist in residence
in Fujino, Japan.
1982-1992 editor and publisher of the feminist culture magazine Eva & Co.
since 1994 recording-studio U.T.T. (Ursprung Tonträger).
since 1993 Kunstverein W.A.S. (Womyn´s
Art Support - founder, president), since 1998 member of faces,
founding member of 42, since
2004 member of ltnc. 1998 - 2003
curator for visual arts at forum
stadtpark. 2004
art-space BAODO im NIL, since
2005 boardmember of IG Kultur Steiermark, board member of IMA - Institute for Media Archeology, founding- and board member of schaumbad - freies atelierhaus graz... more
(german) |
robbe, eva, maxi. foto: kathrin velik. superfrau (oben):
ursprung/dreier (eva & co) |